Product Datasheet

Product data, Product attributes, Product summary

Written by Fabian Hassel
Updated over a week ago

The Product Datasheet app serves as a simple summary page of all product information added to a Product Group.

The Product Datasheet can be accessed for any material, Product or Product Group in Makersite via the Search Bar, or if a material, Product or Product Group is shown as a link, when this is selected the Product Datasheet will open.

The analyze view of the product datasheet contains different information cards:

  • General information to the data set

  • Material properties

  • Environmental impacts

  • GHS information

  • Uses

  • Related SKU's

  • Price information

  • ....

Makersite's data structure is extremely flexible. During imports all information relevant to your organization is stored in the Product Datasheet and is made available for the users.

For more information on the Compose view of the Product Datasheet, please see the Compose a Product and Compose a Product Group articles in the Makersite FAQ pages.

In the contents menu on the right, an index is provided for the page.


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