Supplier Information Request

The article describes how to fill out an information request

Written by Fabian Hassel
Updated over a week ago


An information request can be used to send a questionnaire to another Makersite user, who can then add data to the request. This can be used to further enrich your product data on Makersite or fill gaps where no data is available in the included databases.

When a request is received, the supplier is guided directly to the questionnaire where they are requested to fill in information about the product.


Create and review an information request.

Step 1

The Information Request app is located in the 'Additional Makersite tools' on the Makersite Dashboard.

Once you have selected the app from the list, an overview page will open, this is where any existing requests will be shown.

To create a request, click on the blue 'Request information from a supplier' button.

Step 2

A pop-up will open with a number of fields that are to be filled in to create the request.

Fill each field out, then click on the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right corner.

For this example you can choose any Product Group, and fill the other fields in with 'Training Makersite' for the Supplier Information.

Step 3

The Compose page for the request will now open, showing a summary of the request. Any of the fields can be edited here by clicking on the blue pencil icons to the right of each section.

Selecting 'View Supplier Information Request' in the Information and Tool Panel on the right of the page will take you to an overview of the request.

At the bottom of the overview, there are blue buttons to 'Add Substances', 'Add Part', 'Add Material', 'Add Product' and 'Import BOM' to the information request.

A part can have multiple sub-parts, a sub-part multiple homogeneous materials and homogeneous materials can have multiple substances.

When clicking on “Add part” you will be asked to either choose an existing part or create a new one. If you create a new one the following composer window comes up.

To add a material to the sub part, there are multiple fields to fill in, however it is most important to set to which part the material relates, what the material is and what is its weight.

The Information Request also contains a Message tab. This can be used to discuss the questionnaire directly with the supplier. Whenever a message is entered, the supplier or requester of the request receive emails notifications about the message. All conversations are saved on the data object.

Once completed you can select 'Submit'

To view Incoming Requests, and Outgoing Requests navigate to the 'Information Request' app in 'Additional Makersite tools'.

Opening the app will show a summary of all requests that you have sent or received.

For how to reply to a request, please see the Reply to Response for Information Request FAQ.

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