Open Model in GWP Pivot

Create a GWP Pivot report for an imported model in Makersite

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago


Navigate to the 'GWP Pivot Report' page in Makersite and create a report based on an imported product model.


To navigate to the 'GWP Pivot Report' page:

  • Choose 'Business' from 'Makersite apps' at the top of the dashboard page.

  • Click on 'Pivot Manager' from the pop-up window.

  • Scroll down and click on 'GWP Report', this will open the report page. The form on the right of the page can then be field out to produce a report.

Step 1

Click on the 'Business' icon under 'Makersite apps' at the top of the Makersite Dashboard, this will open a pop-up window showing the various Makersite apps.

Click on 'Pivot Manager' in the pop-up window.

Step 2

The 'Pivot Manager' page will then open, showing all of the report tools available in Makersite.

Scroll down to 'GWP Report', & click on it.

Step 3

Once the 'GWP Report' page is open, you will see a form on the right of the page, this contains the inputs required to produce the report.

Step 4

First click on 'Product', & type the name of the Product Group you would like to create a report for. In this example we will use the Ball Pen.

If you type 'Ball Pen' into the product field, a drop-down will appear with a list of the available product groups in Makersite, select the 'Ball Pen' Product Group.

The chosen Product Group will now be shown under the 'Product' field on the form.

Step 5

Next click on the 'Impact' field, this is where you will select which Environmental Impact Category you would like to assess your model against.

Note: If this is left blank you can still create a report, it will however only show a column for 'Climate Change - Biogenic' results.

Start typing the name of the category your require and a drop-down will populate below showing the closest matches.

Select the category required, or the closet match.

Now click on the blue 'Create' button below the input fields.

The report will generate in a grid view to the left of the input form. The impact category chosen will be shown in a column on the right side of the report.

A URL link for the report will be created automatically, this can be used to connect to standard Business Intelligence tools such as Power BI or Tableau.

The link will be shown beneath the 'Create' button, when the report has been created.

To change the impact category, click on the 'Impact' field again and start typing the new category name, then select from the drop-down (See Step 5).

To change the product, click on the cross (x) located at the top left of the box where the current product is shown, this will clear the input and another can be searched for and selected (See Step 4).

For more detailed information please see Pivot Functionality article in the Makersite FAQ.

Note: Below the 'Product' and "Impact' categories on the form, there are two tick boxes that can be selected for additional functionality.

'Full Model', when left blank, will instruct the report to only consider the datasets directly in the imported BOM. If the box is ticked however, the report will extend the assessment to additional datasets associated with attached IPC files and BOM's. For example with 'Full Model' ticked, the materials and their compositions will be included.

'Save Model', when ticked, will not create the report on the Makersite page, instead an email will be sent to the address associated with the active Makersite account being used to indicate when the report is ready for use.

Step 6

The report can now be used to check your imported data for completeness. Any datasets that are not mapped will be highlighted.

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