Search Bar Functionality

Overview of the Search Bar and how to best utilize its functions

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago

The Search Bar is always available at the top left of the page across the entire Makersite platform. At anytime you can type the Product, Product Group, Material, Process or Company into the Search Bar for quick access to that data in Makersite.

When you type a search entry into the bar, a drop-down will appear showing the most relevant results.

To carry out a quick search, typing in the Search Bar will automatically load results in a drop down below, if a more advanced search is required once the search entry has been typed, press the Enter key & the advanced search window will open.

There are options in the top right corner to filter by dataset type, Product Groups, Processes, Products, Companies, Sites, Survey, & RSL.

Extended search functions are also available at the top of the page, there are three buttons, 'MSDS', 'Ask a Supplier', & 'PubChem'.

Ask a Supplier will open the Supplier Response to Information Request form directly from the search page.

PubChem, will specify the search to only PubChem sourced datasets on Makersite.

Each result has a number of icons and information underneath it's name, this provides a quick overview of the dataset's source and exactly what data is included within the dataset.

  1. Icon: This represents the type of Makersite Dataset the entry is, three green boxes is a Product Group, one green box is a Product, yellow/gold arrows are processes.

  2. This is the name of the Makersite Dataset.

  3. This line shows the type of data, and which imported file the dataset originated from.

  4. There can be either Private, Public or Premium datasets in Makersite, the designation depends on where the data is from or how it was created. By default ALL datasets that you create in Makersite are set to Private, this means that only your approved team has access, no other Makersite users outside of your organisation can see this data. A Premium dataset is from a paid database, access to this data will depend on your Makersite subscription. A pubic dataset is data that has originated from a free to access database, or a Makersite Expert has created the dataset, these can be viewed and used by any Makersite users.

  5. This icon shows whether or not the dataset is Forked, the number designated how many times the dataset has been Forked.

  6. This is the author or source of the dataset, if you any data you have built/created in Makersite will show your Makersite Profile name here, or which database the dataset has come from e.g. EcoInvent, 'Makersite Librarian' means the data has been created by a Makersite Expert.

  7. This list of icons shows what information the dataset contains e.g. Cost, Compliance, Supply Chain, Health, Engineering and Environment. If the icon is highlighted, this means the data is available.

  8. The info icon at the top right can be clicked on to show a pop-up window containing more detailed information about that dataset, without having to open the full Product Datasheet app.

Advanced Search in Search Bar & Mapping Screen

Typing a modifier in the search bar can help to quickly filter search results by Product Groups, Processes or Database i.e. Ecoinvent, Idea etc.

To use the filters the format is:

[modifier]:[search criteria] [search term]

To search for 'steel' Product Groups in only the Ecoinvent database;

proddb:ecoinvent steel

Or to search for 'electricity' Processes for a specific geography;

geo:rer electricity

The full list of modifiers is as follows;

  • proddb: this will return only Product Groups

    Search criteria options;

    • ecoinvent

    • private

    • bom

    • idea

    • autolytic

    • pef

  • procdb: this will return only Processes

    Search criteria options;

    • ecoinvent

    • private

    • bom

    • idea

    • autolytic

    • pef

  • geo: this will return results from a specific geography

    Search criteria options;

    • GLO

    • RER

    • Any other geography location...

Search modifiers can also be used on the mapping screen using the same format.

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