BOM Explorer

An Overview of the BOM Explorer App

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago

App Introduction

BOM Explorer is where you can view and navigate your entire imported model in the Grid view, with detailed information for each item available from one screen.

For more information on how to switch apps, please see the Switching Between Makersite Apps article on the Makersite FAQ pages.

On the left of the page, the Grid view allows you to expand down to the lowest level of your model, through Product Groups and Processes. Each one, when selected, will open on the right hand side of the page, where a range of tabs can be viewed, showing the information contained within the Product Group or Process.

Most of the fields can be edited from the BOM Explorer, anything else can be edited on the 'Compose' page of the Product Group or Process.

Right click anywhere on the Grid view, and the top level Product Group can be exported.

QA Report

Clicking on the 'QA Report' button in the toolbar, will open a pop-up with a list of any actions Makersite has taken to amend or fix imported BOM data such as duplicates, as well as listing any errors.

Product Group Tabs


Any general information related to the selected Product Group is shown here, such as the location of the imported BOM file in Mysite, and associated Manufacturing processes. You can edit any of the fields to update them as necessary, and add any missing attributes, using the blue + icon in the bottom right corner.


This tab will show a list of the synonyms related to the selected Product Group. These can not be added in the BOM Explorer, they can only be added on the 'Compose' page.


Any Ecofees that have been created for a Product Group will be shown here.


Any Products that have been assigned to the Product Group will be shown here.


Any Substances related to the Product Group will be shown here.


Any Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for substances will be shown here.

GHS Codes

Any Globally Harmonised System (GHS) codes will be shown here, these are the 'H' codes applied to hazardous substances.



Any Exemptions will be shown here.

Regulatory Statements

Any Regulatory Statements will be shown here, these relate to the human and environment impacts of a product or substances manufacturing processes and usage.


Any Alternative datasets that were set for the Product Group in the mapping stage are shown here.

Process Tabs


Any general information related to the selected Process is shown here, such as the location of the imported BOM file in Mysite, and the Outputs of the Process. You can edit any of the fields to update them as necessary, and add any missing attributes, using the blue + icon in the bottom right corner.



Inputs to the Process are shown here, these can be viewed and exported from the BOM Explorer, to add or remove inputs, you must use the 'Compose' page.

Inputs can consist of materials, energy or processing methods.


Outputs to the Process are shown here, these can be viewed and exported from the BOM Explorer, to add or remove inputs, you must use the 'Compose' page.

Outputs are usually the finished product or component, and or waste materials etc.


Any emissions

Environmental Impacts


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