GWP Report

How to Create and use Global Warming Potential (GWP) Reports

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago

GWP Report Purpose

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) report can be used to analyze your product against a number of environmental and climate impacts. The impacts in Makersite are based on EF 3.0 Environmental Impact Categories, which group different emissions into one effect on the environment.


You need to import your data into Makersite and generate LCA models (typically done upon data import to Makersite) on your Product Groups. Without those, the GWP report will only show errors.

Running GWP Report

  1. From the home page, go to Makersite Apps > Business > Pivot Manager > GWP Report.

  2. Set the Product to be analyzed in the right-hand menu.

  3. Select the Impact to analyze. Please type the impact name into the field and the search bar will pick it up.
    You can select any impact defined by the EF 3.0 categories.

  4. Select the appropriate additional report options, as explained in the table below.

  5. Click Create. The report should be available after a short while. If you selected Run in the background and save, you will get an e-mail with a link to your report once it's ready.



Full Model

When left blank, the report only considers the datasets directly in the imported BOM. When selected, the report will extend the assessment to additional datasets associated with attached IPC files and BOM's.

QA Mode

When selected, Makersite runs a data quality check and displays a status message.

Run in the background and save

Send the report to the queue instead of running it immediately on-page. You will get an e-mail with a link to your report when ready.

As a result, you should be able to see your report. Your selected impact is shown in the right-hand columns by default.

What's Next?

Now that you have your report, analyze the numbers to identify the biggest potential improvement areas. If you see any red rows, the impacts are missing somewhere along the supply chain - open the problematic Product Group to investigate further.

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