Substance Category Report

How to create and review a Substance Category Report

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago


The Substance Category Report will produce a list of all the Substances used in a Product or Product Group, including weights, what percentage of the overall product the substance accounts for, CAS number, and Substance Grouping.

To create a Substance Category Report, navigate to the 'Pivot Manager' in the 'Business' section of the 'Makersite apps' on the Makersite Dashboard.

Then scroll down and select 'Substance Category Report' from the list.

Once the report has opened, fill in the 'Product' field in the Information and Tools Panel on the right, with the Product or Product Group you wish to review. Then click on the blue 'Create' button, if the 'Save Report' option has been left unticked, the report will load on the page to the left of the panel.

Save Report: When ticked, will not create the report on the Makersite page, instead an email will be sent to the address associated with the active Makersite account being used to indicate when the report is ready for use.

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