Compose a Forecast Scenario

How to compose a Forecast Scenario to evaluate & analyse a products carbon footprint performance

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago


A Forecast Scenario data object in Makersite is setup with data relating to any Site or Company on the platform & is used to create a model of how a Site will perform in future years based on a particular measure, i.e. a Functional Unit, which is a unit measure of an operation at the Site, where the Functional Amount is the quantity of production.

e.g. If a Site produces a raw material, the functional unit could be kilograms (kg) of material produced, so the forecast would be the carbon footprint of the Site based on how many kgs of material were produced each year. If the mass of material is projected to increase year on year, the forecast will show what impact this will have.

As another example, if a Site produces power, the Functional Unit could be kilowatt hours (kwh) produced per year.

For the forecasting functionality to work, there must be Transaction Data available for the Site to be forecasted.


Navigate to the 'Compose' page from the Makersite Dashboard, & select the 'Forecast Scenario' data object.

Fill in the popup window with the baseline data of the Site, including 'Forecast Site or Company', 'Baseline Year', 'Functional unit', '& 'Functional amount'.

Click 'Save' & the Forecast Scenario will be created & the 'Compose' page will open.

Step 1

Navigate to the 'Compose' page from the Makersite Dashboard, & select the 'Forecast Scenario' data object.

Step 2

The Forecast Scenario input popup will open.

Fill in all of the fields:


This is the assigned name of the scenario, this can be any name of your choosing.

Baseline Year

This is the year of operation which the forecast will use as the reference for forecasted years.

Select a year from the list.

Functional Unit

The unit of the process or product being produced at the Site or Company, that the forecast will be based upon.

Select a unit from the list.

Functional Amount

The amount of a process or product produced in the Baseline Year, in the Functional Unit.

Enter a number to set the functional amount.

Forecast Site or Company
This is the Site or Company in Makersite that the forecast will be based on.

Type the Site of Company name into the field, & select from the search results.

Default Scenario

If this is selected, a generic scenario will be calculated.

This should only be used if no Forecast Actions are to be applied to the scenario.

Once all of the fields are filled in, click on the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right corner.

The Forecast Scenario Compose page will now open, showing your newly created scenario.

Step 3

From the Forecast Scenario Compose page, all of the input fields can be edited, by clicking on the blue pencil icon to the right of the 'Information' section.

Step 4

There are four tabs at the top of the Compose page:


This tab shows all off the general information the Forecast Scenario contains.

Forecast Action

This is a list of any Forecast Actions that have been added to the Scenario.

Actions can be added on this tab, by clicking on the blue '+' circle icon in the bottom right corner, or when a Forecast Action is created independently, the Scenario can be matched to it from the Forecast Action itself.

Forecast Years

This is where the time periods of the intended forecasting are added, along with the desired Functional Amount for each year.

To add a Forecast Year to the scenario, click on the blue '+' circle icon in the bottom right corner, this will open a popup where the 'Forecast Year' & 'Functional Amount' can be entered.

Multiple years can be added to one Forecast Scenario, the years entered here will be what the carbon footprint performance figures in a Forecast Scenario Report are based on.


Coming Soon.

Step 5

To view the results of a Forecast Scenario, a Scenario Forecast Report can now be created, & Forecast Actions can be added to the scenario to begin exploring the impact of any potential changes to supply chain processes.

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