IHM Dashboard
Written by Grzegorz Kossobudzki
Updated over a week ago

IHM Dashboard Overview

The IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials) Dashboard is related to the EU regulation on ship recycling which defines a Restricted Substance List in that area. The purpose of this dashboard is to show the compliance of your product against the above regulation in a Material Declaration, which you can also export as an Excel file.


The IHM EU regulation refers to substances, and the app in Makersite is a data reporting app. In order to see meaningful results, you will need to import an IPC/FMD file and make sure it's mapped against your product before you can check the product in the IHM dashboard.

Using IHM Dashboard

  1. From the home page, go to Makersite Apps > Regulations > IHM EU Dashboard.

  2. In the pop-up, find the product you want to verify.

  3. You can now see the Material Declaration for your product in the app, which clearly states if you're compliant against all the defined restrictions. Select Export Excel to export your declaration as an Excel file.

What's Next?

Now that you have your IHM EU Material Declaration, you can share it with auditors or the relevant third parties.

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