Recyclability App
Written by Grzegorz Kossobudzki
Updated over a week ago

Recyclability App Purpose

The Recyclability App shows how well your product is prepared for the circular economy by showing how recycleable it is, as visualized in an easy to understand Sankey chart. Recyclability is expressed as a percentage of the product mass useful as manufacturing input (End of Life - Recycling Input Rate), which reflects the number closest to reality based on the available data.

Makersite used a number of industry-specific databases and scientific publications in order to model Recyclability.


  • You need to import the BOM representing your product.

  • Your BOM assemblies must be mapped to Makersite Processes which have the eol_rir (End of Life - Recycling Input Rate) parameter calculated on their Environmental Impacts. Typically, this is done on the BOM leaf level (lowest level) and propagated downstream through your product.

Using Recyclability App

  1. From the home page, go to Makersite Apps > Environment > Recyclability. Select the Product to analyze in the app.

The app opens on the Sankey diagram representing the color-coded EOL RIR percentage for each sub-assembly of your product. What this means in practice, is how much of your product is valid as a manufacturing input material after being recycled. You can review this data to find the potential for improvement in a manufactured product, or analyze the recyclability of a particular part in more depth (right-click on a product/process > Drill in).

The app also has Choropleth, Heatmap and Grid views available. The Choropleth and Heatmap are useful for quickly visualizing your global supply chain, to see how diversified it is or whether it is over exposed to one particular region. The Grid allows you to browse the data in a more traditional grid format.

What's Next

Analyze the data to find the biggest improvement opportunities for your product's recyclability across the entire supply chain. Conversely, if you want to check how much of your product was made using recycled content, check the Recycled Content app!

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