Report Charts
Written by Grzegorz Kossobudzki
Updated over a week ago


Report Charts allow you to quickly visualise, configure, and download Makersite report data without relying on external tools. Charts are fully customisable in terms of both data configuration and design, and they work with all Makersite reports.


You need to create a report in Makersite to use Report Charts on it.

Use Report Charts

In this document, we're going to create a pie chart showing the CO2 impact of our product.

  1. After creating your report, select Show Chart from the top menu.

    Your chart is displayed and shows default data - we'll probably need to configure it. You can see the zoom scroll at the bottom, and the menu to the right with the following options:

    1. The configuration menu.

    2. The option to Un-link/link the chart to the report grid. Linked chart dynamically updates with grid changes, un-linked chart doesn't.

    3. The Download button.

      Let's open the configuration menu to adjust our chart.

  2. Select the Settings tab in the configuration menu to choose the chart type. Check the menu and select what's best for you - we're using a pie chart in this document. Makersite offers a rich suite of chart types for you to choose from.

  3. Open the Data tab, which is the key to your chart.

    Select how the data is labeled in the Categories section, such as its Name as shown in the example, or any other label from the report.

    Series section is where you select the actual data. You can choose any numerical value from the report. In the example below, we're displaying Climate Change EF 3.0 impact on a pie chart as the only value.

  4. Finally, you can adjust the look and feel of your chart in the Format tab. All chart components are customisable if you wish to change the default formatting.

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