Ecodesign Dashboard
Written by Grzegorz Kossobudzki
Updated over a week ago


Product success is decided largely during the design stage, when you make decisions related to product materials and manufacturing processes. Makersite can help you optimize that process for both sustainability and costing, so that you as a designer don't have to search through databases and research papers.


Ecodesign Dashboard requires product data to be imported and mapped, specifically Global Warming Potential and costing data. See documentation related to data import for details.

Using Ecodesign Dashboard

  1. From home page, go to Business > Ecodesign Dashboard.

  2. Select the product to be analyzed from the pop-up search window.

  3. Makersite opens the Dashboard which initially shows a loading screen. Refresh the page after a while until you can see the dashboard.

You can see a grid similar to the one below:

Result Interpretation

In the left panel, you can see how the product compares agains the default state when optimized for Global Warming Potential or Material Cost. Default refers to the process which Makersite assumes to be producing the product unless stated otherwise.

In the grid, you can see all available processes which can be used to make the product. You can click the provided link to check the details and decide if you want to make the switch. Select the grid header to sort the values.

Apart from the numbers for GWP and Material Cost, you can always rely on labels informing you about possible improvements.

What's Next?

Having identified the potential for optimization, you can now go into your Product Groups and change the assigned processes to the ones suggested by Ecodesign Dashboard. Outside of Makersite, you can now make informed decisions about your supply chain, allowing you to optimize for sustainability and/or cost.

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