Scenario Forecast Report

How to create & use Scenario Forecast Reports to view & analyse the carbon footprint forecast of your product.

Written by Alex Inglis
Updated over a week ago


The Scenario Forecast Report, uses your imported data in Makersite to show the carbon footprint performance of your product, over the timescale set in the report.

The performance figure represents a Site wide footprint, for the comparison of multiple Sites, a report for each Site must be created.

A Scenario Forecast Report is designed to be used in conjunction with the Target Achievement Report, to compare measured product performance, with forecasted product performance, across a set timescale e.g. yearly targets.


  • Use the Pivot Manager to open a Scenario Forecast Report,

  • Set the Site that the report will be based upon, & the timescale the report needs to cover.

The report can then be created, & the Pivot Mode used to arrange the data to show the carbon footprint for the chosen Site, per year, or per another timescale if this is included in the data.

Step 1

Navigate to the 'Pivot Manager' in the 'Business' section of the 'Makersite apps' on the Makersite Dashboard.

Then either type 'Scenario' into the 'Search Report Templates' text box or scroll down and select 'Scenario Forecast Report' from the list of reports.

Step 2

The 'Scenario Forecast Report' page will now open.

Type the name of the Site or Company you would like to base the report on in the 'Site or Company' field in the Information and Tools panel to the right of the page.

Set the desired 'Start Date' and 'End Date' and the 'Transaction Type', this can be set to either 'Orders', which is any material or products shipped OUT of a facility, for example finished products, and 'Purchases' which is any material or products shipped INTO a facility, for example raw materials or off the shelf contracted components.

For this example we will set the 'Transaction Type' to 'Purchases'.

The second field is 'Scenario', if a Forecast Scenario has been setup, then this can be selected here by typing the name into the box & selecting from the search results.

This field can be left blank, in which case a generic Scenario will be applied.

Run in Background and Save: When ticked, will not create the report on the Makersite page, instead an email will be sent to the address associated with the active Makersite account being used to indicate when the report is ready for use.

Step 3

Once the input fields have been set, and any options that are required are ticked, you can then click on the blue 'Create' button in the bottom right corner of the Information and Tools panel.

If 'Run in Background and Save' is not ticked, the report will load on the page.

You will now see the results populate to the left of the Tools Panel.

To analyse the results, first open the Pivot Mode menu by clicking on the 'Columns' button, to the right of the Grid view. The button will be in a vertical orientation when the menu is hidden.

Once the menu is open, at the top there is a toggle for 'Pivot Mode', turning this on will activate the Pivot & show the results in the Grid window to the left, once the sections have been set.

Note: Until the Pivot sections have been set i.e. one or more of the column names have been dragged into the sections below, the results screen will be blank.

For this report, drag 'Sum(Final Impact)' into the 'Values' section, & drag 'Year' into the 'Column Labels' section.

This will produce a view of the data that shows the measured carbon footprint performance, per timescale, in this case per year.

The Grid view can now be expanded to show a more detailed comparison of your results.

Use the grey arrows to the left of each row to expand the results.

Expanding the 'kg-CO2 eq.' row, will show a new row titled 'Forecast', & expanding this row, will show two rows titled 'Impact Baseline' & 'Impact Forecast'.

Impact Baseline

This is the carbon footprint of the Site over the years shown in the columns, if no changes are made to the current operations of the Site.

Impact Forecast

This is the carbon footprint of the Site over the years shown in the columns, based on forecasted changes to the operation of the Site i.e. if a Forecast Scenario has been created & selected in this report, these numbers will reflect any changes in kg-CO2 eq. that the changes to the Site's operations have made, which can then be directly compared to the Impact Baseline numbers to evaluate whether or not the changes will improve the Site's environmental impact.

Pivot Mode Sections

Columns List

This is where all the available columns are shown, any of these can be shown or hidden by selecting or deselecting the tick box next to each column name. Any of the column headings can be dragged down to the Pivot sections below.

Row Groups

Drag any of the columns from the list into this section to set the data type the pivot summary values will be grouped by.


Drag any of the columns from the list into this section to set the data type that you want to investigate, based on the above group.

Column Labels

Drag any of the columns from the list into this section to set the data type to aggregate the data in the table across the columns e.g. If you're interested in seeing the data grouped by year, for forecasting, then drag the 'Year' column into this section.

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