Recycled Content App
Written by Grzegorz Kossobudzki
Updated over a week ago

Recycled Content App Purpose

The Recycled Content App shows how much of your product has been made using recycled materials, which is important to comply with sustainability regulations.

Makersite calculates Recycled Content based on the material composition of the product. For example, if the product weighs 1000 kg, has 100kg of steel, and 10% of the input for steel is scrap metal, then that results in 10kg of Recycled Content in the product from steel. The hypothetical 10% comes from our LCA model mapped to the steel upon BOM import.


  • You need to import the BOM representing your product.

  • Your BOM assemblies must be mapped to Makersite Processes which have the recycled_content parameter calculated on their Environmental Impacts. Typically, this is done on the BOM leaf level (lowest level) upon import, and propagated downstream through your product.

  • Depending on your product, it might be necessary to collect supplier data during implementation phase in order to improve the accuracy of our models.

Using Recycled Content App

  1. From the home page, go to Makersite Apps > Environment > Recycled Content. Select the Product to analyze in the app.

The app opens on the Sankey diagram representing the color-coded recycled content percentage for each sub-assembly of your product. What this means in practice, is how much of your product is made of recycled material. You can review this data to find the potential for sustainability improvements in your product, or analyze a particular part in more depth (right-click on a product/process > Drill in).

The app also has Choropleth, Heatmap and Grid views available. The Choropleth and Heatmap are useful for quickly visualizing your global supply chain, to see how diversified it is or whether it is over exposed to one particular region. The Grid allows you to browse the data in a more traditional grid format.

What's Next

Analyze the data to improve your product's sustainability by targeting large impact nodes with little or no recycled content. You can check your product's recyclability as well!

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